Hello everyone, we have just launched an Xmas and Privacy theme-able solution and initiative to help restaurants and venues attract customers by serving them in a much safer way. It seeks to address the gaps in current measures (physical screens, UV sterilisation and so on). As per the video and images below, it is our intention to try and get it out to market in a number of ways - as an easy to install product (coming soon), as downloadable self-build instructions and also as a restaurant-local tradesperson matching service. We are currently looking for additional team, delivery partners and an initial pilot customer.

It can be argued that patrons can be split into two main groups - those who have stopped eating out and those that have not due to the perception that their age and fitness level makes the chances of death or long term health issues far less likely. If this - or any - innovation is to maximise it's impact in saving lives, business and jobs, then it needs to be used in a way that will minimise the spread of the virus. We have detailed a possible 'new dining ritual' below that fully uses the benefits of the pods, but it needs to be gamified or otherwise embellished with activities/decor to enable it's uptake. Any feedback or help on this or anything else mentioned would be much appreciated, so do please reach out...

Original video - designs need updating.