The organiser has stated "it is our firm goal to hold DMEXCO at the planned time fromSep 23 until Sep 24, 2020 on our fair grounds in Cologne. Due to the latest decisions taken by government offices and public authorities in Germany on 06 May 2020, from 30 May 2020, the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia will be permitting the holding of trade fairs and congresses, subject to conditions."
"As event professionals, we see ourselves in a position to create framework conditions suitable to trade fairs, even in times such as these. With this in mind, we will define and implement specific criteria and steps to meet the conditions for hosting DMEXCO.
The measures indicated include appropriate hygiene, distancing between stakeholders and interaction with one another, as well as consequent specifications for the processes in place at entrances, in the halls and at the stands. We depend upon professional behaviour on the part of exhibitors and visitors; we will fully register participants and make use of the flexibility and size of our fair grounds as well as the capabilities of our digital guidance systems. Under these conditions we are continuing the preparations for DMEXCO 2020 and look forward to a successful trade fair together with our exhibitors and visitors!!
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